About Me


My name is Andy Schmitt and I’ve been wondering Why Photograph for a llooonnnggg time. See, I got my first camera when I was 9 and haven’t really put down them since.

I graduated from Adelphi University with a BA in Biology where I spent many a long night doing scientific photography, mostly microphotography.

After graduating, I spent a number of years involved in most forms of photography, photojournalism, weddings, portraits, fine art and commercial.

I left photography as a full time occupation for software and systems design for a decade or so then returned after realizing that eating regularly was highly over rated and all was not money and position.

Since then I has been working with both lens and pinhole cameras from 35mm to 11×14.
These cameras have run the gamet from Daguerreotype to wet-plate to film & paper.

I successfully “transitioned” to the digital age a while back and now use CANON cameras exclusively for all my 35mm work.

My work has been widely exhibited and collected….(some has even been kept)

I became the head of the Photography Department at Peters Valley Craft Center in Bevins, now Layton, NJ, one million years ago in the year 2000. This career move has managed to eat most of my waking hours and many supposed sleeping ones but I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.

Oh yes…

I have a couple of Grandkids, one of which photographs…… more on them later on…

2 Responses to About Me

  1. I am glad your writing this blog and love your photos!

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